
Showing posts from August, 2015

Teachers Keeping a Positive Attitude in the Classroom

Do some days seem overwhelming with the amount of work you have along with the behavior that is taking place in the classroom? Sit back...count backwards from 10, and be thankful you have a job! Does that seem tough? Maybe. But we sometimes think that because we are teachers, that the work is not supposed to be difficult. I'm not sure where we came up with that idea. Work is work. Just because it is not manual labor, doesn't mean it is going to be easy. Your feet and back probably still hurt. The stress will most likely still be larger than life. But we can deal with it. Remember this...stress is normal. We just have to learn to deal with it. If you find that you are overworked, then perhaps you can stop by the deli, on the way home, to get dinner instead of cooking after a long day of work. Sit in the hot tub, if you have one. Get help in the classroom from parent volunteers...they might be able to copy papers for you. Buy teaching resources that can help you, ...

Back to School Savings on Teaching Resources

Save Time and Money on Teaching Resources! Click Here to Shop!

Teach Students Real- Life Concepts in the Classroom

I think it is important to teach math, science, social studies, reading and writing using real-world concepts. How many times have you heard, "Why is this important?" Students often want to know, when they will ever use that important concept you just taught. How do you make things "real" in the classroom? Well, I like to use games, webquests, and simulations. The following are some ways I make it "real:" Click Here to Find Out More Click Here for the Economics Package

Gifted Education Resources

When a teacher begins a position as a gifted and talented pull-out teacher, it can be overwhelming. That's why I decided to create products based on lessons I used, when I taught gifted education. I love teaching gifted students! They really keep us on our toes! It is not always easy to stay one step ahead. But with great planning, it is possible! Click Here for the Toothpick Bridge Unit Click Here for More Gifted Products!