
Showing posts from 2016

Classroom Organization

Hi Everyone! It's time to get organized. First things first...let's get the classroom organized! I like to go into school a few days early and begin placing chairs and desks in order. I also like to clean everything. Sometimes, I draw a sketch to determine how I will place desks. Remember this is not set in stone. Desks can be moved throughout the school year for the best learning atmosphere. Next, I like to plan and decorate bulletin boards. Bulletin boards are so helpful with teaching. They help students with understanding of concepts and add excitement to the classroom! Finally, I prepare my schedule and lesson plans. These are essential to teaching. Now, everything is ready for the students! Let School Begin!

Teachers Pay Teachers Back to School Sale

Hi Everyone! I am pleased to announce an upcoming sale. All products in my store will be 20% OFF from Aug 1st through Aug 2nd. Hope you can stop by and pick up some helpful time-saving products for the new school year! Thanks! Teresa Lomasney Teachers pay Teachers Store Get additional savings by using this code: BESTYEAR at checkout!

End of the School Year Ideas

What do you do, when the testing is done? Relax and keep teaching. Don't let thoughts of summer vacation steal away valuable instructional time. First, encourage students to think about how they can continue to learn during the summer. Perhaps their parents have enrolled them in summer camp, swimming lessons, Vacation Bible School, Summer Arts Programs, or some childcare program that involves learning new concepts for part of the day. Second, challenge students to start a hobby that involves learning. Starting a collection of some type might just be the answer. As a child, I enjoyed collecting leaves, rocks, and minerals, etc. and labeling them. Perhaps taking pictures of butterflies, animals, or flowers and labeling the pictures would be the hobby that interests them. Finally, encourage students to share what they have learned. We all learn a lot, when we share!

Differentiated Instruction for Gifted Students

It is easy, as educators, to slip into a rut of only providing differentiated instruction for those who need extra help to reach their grade-level potential. We realize that we need to help these students, so they can succeed. But what about those students who just need more motivation? Perhaps, they are gifted students. But you barely notice them, because they are not teacher pleasers. They just do well on tests, but are not actually achieving their potential in the classroom. They may not even turn in their work half of the time. What can you do to help these students? Well, they need to be motivated by projects that are challenging and interesting. Completing a worksheet, about information they understood the minute you mentioned the subject, is not interesting. That work may not even get finished and turned in on time. How about challenging these students with a project that includes the work you want to teach. This kind of work will typically get finished and help the u...

Easter and Spring Printables

Hi Everyone! I love spring and Easter activities, so I want to share some printables that are easy to use in the classroom. These printables will help students use their math skills and still have fun! Click Here For Spring Into Math Practice Click Here For Easter Egg Math Color Sheet These activities meet the following Common Core State Standards: 1.MD.B.3, 1.NBT.A.1, 1.NBT.B.2, 1.NBT.C.4, 1.OA.D.7, 1.OA.D.8

Gifted Education with Common Core

What does gifted education look like, when using Common Core? First, when I begin planning a gifted lesson, I look to see what common core standards I can include in the lesson I want to teach. Hopefully, it will be more than one standard. Next, I look for cross-curricular possibilities. Finally, I put it all together with the teaching steps. The lesson is really not that difficult to write using Common Core. Give it a try!

February Fun with Common Core

How to have February fun in the classroom with common core: February is a great time to write poetry. Have students write simple poetry like a couplet, which is 2 lines that rhyme. Perhaps, you would like them to write a little more. Then how about a quatrain that is 4 lines that rhyme in various patterns. For example, lines 1 and 2 rhyme and 3 and 4 rhyme. Or mix it up a bit with lines 1 and 3 rhyming and lines 2 and 4 rhyming. Have students write about friendship, love, hearts, candy, and flowers. It's all a lot of fun! Here are just a couple of the Common Core Standards: W.K.1, W.K.2 Each grade level requires writing. The following are some products that may help with your writing endeavors: Click Here to See More Click Here to See this Product Don't forget to look here for more Common Core State Standards:

Home Daycare: Work at Home Mom

Do you want to stay home with your children and work at home, too? I had a licensed daycare, while my children were small. I loved experiencing those "firsts" with them! I have written a product that can guide you in your pursuit of staying home with your children, too. I looked for many ways to make an income while staying at home. But childcare was the best answer for me. It may be for you, too! Click Here This was the "Circle Time" area. We discussed the calendar, weather, numbers, and shapes. We also sang songs and recited nursery rhymes. Many other activities were planned, as well. This was my daycare playground. There was plenty of activity indoors and out. Plus, my children had instant friends!

Teachers Pay Teachers Sale

I'm having a sale in my Teachers pay Teachers store! Check out the great discounts on January 20th and 21st. Use Promo code START16 and save! Sorry if you missed this sale. But visit again, because a sale may take place anytime!

January Bulletin Board Ideas

I'm just sharing a few pictures of my January bulletin board. It includes songs about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks. It also has a Japanese New Year song. We actually pronounced the Japanese words with the pronunciation track that is included with our curriculum. We also sing lots of songs about snowmen, so having a few on the bulletin board makes sense. It was great fun!!!!

Common Core in the New Year

You may be do I incorporate Common Core State Standards, or learning objectives, into my lessons during the new year? The following are some ideas: * Turn the Common Core State Standards into "I Can" statements. Have students choral read the standard in the "I Can" statement at the beginning of the lesson. * Write the CCSS on worksheets that you distribute. This way students, parents, and administrators will know what is being taught with the worksheet. * Have standards or objectives written on a poster in the classroom, so students can refer to them at a later time. This can remind them about what they have learned, and what they will learn during the school year. If this is too many for the subject you teach, then just display what was learned during the month. * Make the standards part of every lesson. Remember this is what drives your instruction. Have a great new year with Common Core!