Differentiated Instruction for Gifted Students
It is easy, as educators, to slip into a rut of only providing differentiated instruction for those who need extra help to reach their grade-level potential. We realize that we need to help these students, so they can succeed. But what about those students who just need more motivation? Perhaps, they are gifted students. But you barely notice them, because they are not teacher pleasers. They just do well on tests, but are not actually achieving their potential in the classroom. They may not even turn in their work half of the time. What can you do to help these students? Well, they need to be motivated by projects that are challenging and interesting. Completing a worksheet, about information they understood the minute you mentioned the subject, is not interesting. That work may not even get finished and turned in on time. How about challenging these students with a project that includes the work you want to teach. This kind of work will typically get finished and help the u...