
Showing posts from June, 2019
Gifted and Talented Students May Enjoy Debating Cell Phone Use In this day and age, many are wondering how we can control cell phone use. We all hear of those accidents caused by texting and driving. We don't want this great technological tool to become dangerous to ourselves and others. In the following unit, students take charge of their learning through research. They will discover answers for themselves and develop questions and answers for debating and sharing their ideas. It can be used as a philosophical chairs activity or students may simply develop a presentation. Click Here
Lomasney Gifted Education Lesson Plans Are you thinking about going back to school? I am. Click below to get your "Free!" back to school product. It will help children in your classroom get to know each other, and of course, use their English Language Arts skills in the process! Click Here

Lomasney Lesson Plans: Wow! I recently visited the NASA Kennedy Space Cen...

Lomasney Gifted Education Lesson Plans: Wow! I recently visited the NASA Kennedy Space Center : Much to my surprise, I found a geodesic dome like the structure in my geodesic dome unit!
Wow! I recently visited the NASA Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida, and I had so much fun! It is definitely worth the trip! I also got a great surprise, while I was there. I found a geodesic dome! Actually, geodesic domes can be found in many places...including the Epcot Center (geodesic sphere). They are a very sturdy structure. If you like to teach your students "real life," lessons, then you may want to try the following unit about geodesic domes. Your students will learn about geodesic domes through research, reading, writing, building and measuring a geodesic dome. Click here to find out more!